Well, now a days, the 51% FDI is a hot topic all over India. It is effecting everybody's life. There are a lot of gossips among all kind of people about the hottest topic. Economists,general people, NEWS Channels as well as polititions are taking their warm interest in this topic. I think, if this contineus, than that day is not so far when the peoples like Anna Hazaare will make another protest against it even if he don't know anything about the matter. This is call India, where social person's aim is to disturb common peoples life by protesting on public places and passing their time, politition's aim is to oppose decisions of ruling party, even it is in favour of country, NEWS Channel aim is to make small films of such matters and present in front of audience for high TRP and we peoples waste our valueable times by involving in such matters.
Now, come on the topic.We are discussing on FDI in retail which means the entry pass of multibrand retail in Indian market.So, will it in favour in country or not. Before coming to a decision, I am going to Point out some vital topics which can be efficient to make a decision.
What is Retail ?
In general terms, Retail consists of the sale of physical goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.
Retail in India :-
In india, the retailing concept arrived one decade ago. within a very few time, it became a part of everybody's life. Now a day's we wish to purchase almost all of our daily use articles to valuable goods from a retail outlet. It provide us a huge range and indipendencs purchasing. Metros as well as small cities are also a better place for retail. There are a lot of companies involved in retail merketing.
Major Companies in Retail In India:-
1)Future Group, 2)Bharti Retail. 3)Arvind Retail. 4)Birla Group. 5)ITC Retail. 6)Haryali Kisaan Bazar.7)Vishal Mega Mart.
The Retail MNC's which are expected to enter in Indian Market After 51% FDI :- 1)TESCO, 2)Carrefour, 3) Wal-Mart (WITH FULL POWER).
The Benifits Due to Multi Brand Retail in India :-A) Benifits to Customers :-
1) Cheaper Goods :- The supermarts and hypermarts reduces the involvment of middlemans like distributor, agents,brokers and their profit parts that caused the less cost of merchandise. Because, these companies will purchase goods directly from manufacturer or farmers. As the result, the merchandise will get avilabe on relativly less price.
2) More Avilability of International Brands :- A lot of international brands like- tesco products, john ferida, alberto Vo5, unilever will be easily avilable in India which are not avilable at present.
3) A Huge Range of Products :- There was a time, when customers went to a local store and ask the storekeeper to show their products. But the varities were very less and the storekeeper won't show more samples. But, now a days, customers want to see a plenty of varities for their selection. So, the entry of hypermarts will boost up the buying habbits of customers.
4) Pre Sale and After Sale Services :- there stores will provide more pre and after sale services.
5) Avilability of Pure Goods :- It is a major concern. Most of the existing retail organisations imports goods from overseas. For reducing costs they imports either out of fashion or stock lots of those countries. But imazine, if those companies directly entred in Indian market, then what will happan. Definetly we will get the pure goods.
B) Benifits to Country :-
1)Revenue generation :-The entry of multibrand retail will lead to increase the national revenue within very short time and India become a super power.
2)More Benifit to rural peoples :- There will be a tremendus benifit to rural people specially farmers. Because these stores will directly purchase food products from them.
3)A New Hope for Small and Cottage Industries :- Small and cottages industries will also get benifited from this.
4) A right step towards making India a developed country.
Now comes on the Demerits of Entry of Multibrand Retail in India :-
1) It will reduced the involvement of middlemans from the market. But that is also in the favour of the customers, because these middlemans charges unlimited commissions, profits and other compensations to reached the goods from manufactrer to customer.
So, that's all about the analysis of multibrand retail in India. So, now it's your turn think upon the matter and come up with your views.
For the behalf of The World of FMCG, I Pravin Tripathi want your replies.