Time marketing is a very latest concept of marketing practice. In very simple words, the Time Marketing refers to "Introduced your Product, Before your Competitors". In the modern era, there is a lot of implementation of time marketing. Suppose, you are a marketer and you have develop a fine marketing plan, but due to any reason, same kind of product with same marketing plan, your competitor has been introduced in the market , then what will happens with you? At the time you have nothing to do. This is called time marketing.
Time marketing focus on open your mind with your eyes and ears, don't give a single chance to your competitor. There is also a reverse effect of time marketing. Time marketing not only suggest you to introduced your product before others but also it refers to wait for a suitable time for introduce your product. It depends on balancing of time in the field of marketing.
The implementation of time marketing is much more in film industry. They properly use time marketing before releasing their latest film. Like film industry, there are also many implementation of time marketing in all other industries.
In India, in the year 2003, coke has been introduced a 200ml bottle of coke for Rs. 5. It was a huge success for the company and increased the sale of the product. After some times, Coke's closest rival, Pepsi also introduced same in Rs. 5,but it was too late. Airtel introduced a scheme of life time connection in just Rs. 999. It was a very cheapest and save scheme for the customers at the time which turns a good job for the company, after several days,some other companies also introduced same scheme, but Airtel dominates the market. There are many stories like that which proves the value of time marketing in the market.
The Basic Mantras of Time Marketing:-
1) Wait for a suitable time for introduce your product.
2) Do your steps before your competitor.
3) Make a balance between time and introduction of product.
4)_Be a front foot player, not a back foot player.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
There was a time, when TVC plays life blood for the advertising for a product. In 90'S The people wishes to watch TVC's with more eagerness. As the result, they coincidently keep in touch with the particular product. In 90's, people goes to the stores and demanded for any product by using the tagline given in the adds. Like- "Fevicol kaa joor hai, tootega nahi". Customer comes to the market by attracting from the lovely TVCs. We can't forgot the TVC of Dhara oil called "Jalevi". Like that there was a lot of popular advertises which creates a bigger impression on customer mind. Peop-le loves to watch the TVCs.
But as per there is a life cycle of anything, the life cycle of TVCs in India is comes to an end. Today the advanced technology and digital media makes the TVCs more attractive and modern, but the people hardly takes an interest in watching in such kind of TVCs. The plenty of TV channels and people's busyness is also a major reason behind it. Today, a common Pearson having a TV with a cable connection. So, he wants to utilized hi cable as much as possible. As the result, he don,t watch TVCs and change the channel at the time when advertise shown on T.V. It is a major problem facing by T.V media of advertising. But most of the major companies are not getting this point and they are spending much and much money on the TVCs, due to competition with rival which in not good for the point of view of company.
Reasons for the downfall of TVC's.:-
1) Plenty of availability of multi channels and different program's. People not take interest in watching the TVC's.
2) Extra busyness and less time with people.
3) Easy and cheaper availability of internet and relating devices.
4) Decline stage of advertising in India.
5) Other means of advertising are running effectively, like- canopy promotion, sales promotion, direct marketing.
6) Easy availability of any information related to the product on internet.
7) Repeating the same video many times a day.
So,The days of DD1 are gone. Now a days expending more on the TVC is just wasting money.So, major companies should take step on this point
But as per there is a life cycle of anything, the life cycle of TVCs in India is comes to an end. Today the advanced technology and digital media makes the TVCs more attractive and modern, but the people hardly takes an interest in watching in such kind of TVCs. The plenty of TV channels and people's busyness is also a major reason behind it. Today, a common Pearson having a TV with a cable connection. So, he wants to utilized hi cable as much as possible. As the result, he don,t watch TVCs and change the channel at the time when advertise shown on T.V. It is a major problem facing by T.V media of advertising. But most of the major companies are not getting this point and they are spending much and much money on the TVCs, due to competition with rival which in not good for the point of view of company.
Reasons for the downfall of TVC's.:-
1) Plenty of availability of multi channels and different program's. People not take interest in watching the TVC's.
2) Extra busyness and less time with people.
3) Easy and cheaper availability of internet and relating devices.
4) Decline stage of advertising in India.
5) Other means of advertising are running effectively, like- canopy promotion, sales promotion, direct marketing.
6) Easy availability of any information related to the product on internet.
7) Repeating the same video many times a day.
So,The days of DD1 are gone. Now a days expending more on the TVC is just wasting money.So, major companies should take step on this point
Sunday, August 1, 2010
This is How HUL is No. 1

30 years has been past away, but the first choice of people of asking for Lux as their first preference as a toilet soap have not been changed. Today, when I get up in the morning and go to bathroom , I remember my childhood days after looking at same Pepsodent toothpaste. The brands of HUL is just like a regular brands of customers from age to age. Logos has been changed, packaging has been changed, but the choice of customer's has not been changed.
If we think about the reasons that why HUL is best in India in spite of huge competition, we will find that HUL is great because it is great, it's strategies are great, it's aggressive marketing is great and last but not least it is only Nitin Pranjape who remain it no. 1 today also.
I am not going to publish more statements or mesmerism words, I am just want to share some of great strategies of HUL and Pranjape.
In the time of 1990 when the concept of TV commercials was very new for the people, HUL dominates the market and published it's brands aggressively by TV commercials.
Some of the commercials like Liril soap, Lifeboy soap, Surf Detergent, etc. were the most lovable TVCs at the time. "Tandarusti kaa raksha karta hai Lifeboy" was the one of the favorite song of every child.
in 21st era, HUL comes with a different concept called canopy promotion which becomes a benchmark in advertising and sales promotion. Once again HUL become the market leader in all segments.
At the present time, according to great Pranjape, HUL is planning to sustainable production for it's all products. Right now HUL's products will define their own footprints.HUL products are manufactured in over 40 factories across India. Over 2000 suppliers and associates are involved in its operations. The giant HUL distribution network comprises of around 4000 redistribution stockists and 6.3 million retailer outlets. The wide-spread distribution network reaches almost entire urban India and around 250 million rural consumers. The HUL's products will be made after consider the environments. The super supply chain management and production system of HUL will be the idle for every company.
As a responsible corporation of the country, HUL has adopted the triple bottom-line approach to address environmental and social concerns. Following are the three key pillars in this approach:
From the Behalf of The World of FMCG, I Pravin Tripathi wishing a good luck to HUL
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