30 years has been past away, but the first choice of people of asking for Lux as their first preference as a toilet soap have not been changed. Today, when I get up in the morning and go to bathroom , I remember my childhood days after looking at same Pepsodent toothpaste. The brands of HUL is just like a regular brands of customers from age to age. Logos has been changed, packaging has been changed, but the choice of customer's has not been changed.
If we think about the reasons that why HUL is best in India in spite of huge competition, we will find that HUL is great because it is great, it's strategies are great, it's aggressive marketing is great and last but not least it is only Nitin Pranjape who remain it no. 1 today also.
I am not going to publish more statements or mesmerism words, I am just want to share some of great strategies of HUL and Pranjape.
In the time of 1990 when the concept of TV commercials was very new for the people, HUL dominates the market and published it's brands aggressively by TV commercials.
Some of the commercials like Liril soap, Lifeboy soap, Surf Detergent, etc. were the most lovable TVCs at the time. "Tandarusti kaa raksha karta hai Lifeboy" was the one of the favorite song of every child.
in 21st era, HUL comes with a different concept called canopy promotion which becomes a benchmark in advertising and sales promotion. Once again HUL become the market leader in all segments.
At the present time, according to great Pranjape, HUL is planning to sustainable production for it's all products. Right now HUL's products will define their own footprints.HUL products are manufactured in over 40 factories across India. Over 2000 suppliers and associates are involved in its operations. The giant HUL distribution network comprises of around 4000 redistribution stockists and 6.3 million retailer outlets. The wide-spread distribution network reaches almost entire urban India and around 250 million rural consumers. The HUL's products will be made after consider the environments. The super supply chain management and production system of HUL will be the idle for every company.
As a responsible corporation of the country, HUL has adopted the triple bottom-line approach to address environmental and social concerns. Following are the three key pillars in this approach:
From the Behalf of The World of FMCG, I Pravin Tripathi wishing a good luck to HUL
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