There was a time in the early 90s when noodle market enters in India. At the time, it was very new concept for Indian people. So, many big players like HUL, ITC etc. didn't enterd in it. But it was Nestle , "A Good Food Good Life" India's top company of baby foods taken the big risk to entering in instannt noodle market. At the begning, it was very steady market and it seems like a flop decision for the company. But as the time passed, the eating habbit of Indian people going to change time to time. At early days, noodles used as a tiffin for children for their school. But it's concept changes time per time. Now days, noodles are most prefential food for youth generation as well as working class persons in metros. Sometimes peoples uses it as their lunch or dinner due to it's quick process and easy avilability.
Now a days, the total value of instant noodle market in India is Rs.1300 crore. There are more competition in this market and it is increasing year per year. The Rs 1,300-crore instant noodles market in India is in a state of war, with three new players having thrown their hats in the ring over the last one year. Who will win the battle for the consumer’s heart?
The year 2010 marked the end of the instant noodle market as we know it. For two decades, consumers had a single brand of noodles to dig into — Maggi — giving Nestle over 85 per cent share of the market. Players such as Indo-Nissin’s Top Ramen, Capital Foods’ Ching’s Secret and Smith & Jones and CG Foods’ Wai-Wai tried to make a dent but failed to take up more than 10-15 per cent of the Rs 1,300-crore market.
Now food companies seem to have woken up to the potential of the category growing at a consistent 20 per cent for the last few years. Three new entrants have thrown their hats into the ring over the last one year: Hindustan Unilever (HUL), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and ITC with Knorr Soupy Noodles, Horlicks Foodles and Sunfeast Yippee! respectively.
So, the entry of to FMCG players in noodle market shows that in the comeing years, the monopoly of Nestle from Indian noodle market will be in trouble. But one thing is clear that consumers will definetly enjoy a diffrent quality of teastes in noodles.
good job done...but u need to improve upon your writing skills..keep it up!!